18 Apr What you should do if you have rib pain
You may be suffering from rib pain if you have been experiencing:
- Sharp pain or ache in the thorax; often between your shoulder blades and spine, or the lower part of your chest.
- Pain or catching in your chest or thorax when you turn your head.
- Acute tightness/stiffness in a particular part of your chest/thorax.
- Apparent ‘lopsidedness’ when you look at yourself in the mirror.
- More shallow breathing than normal, with possible breathlessness and/or pain when you cough or take a deep breath.
If you have been experiencing some, or all, of these symptoms it is possible that you may have sprained your rib joints (costovertebral joints).
Rib injury often comes from overloading your rib joints when they are in a vulnerable position. Examples of such positions include long periods slumped while lying on your side, lifting while your chest is twisted, coughing while twisted, or over stretching into a chest (thoracic) rotation.
Rib pain is more common with females and those who have more mobile/naturally flexible body types. This is because of the naturally more pliable connective tissue matrix, which is less likely to protect the costovertebral joint when load is applied. Strength and conditioning work that targets the thoracic musculature can augment the structural integrity around the rib joints.
The good news is that rib pain can be well managed with physiotherapy.
Manual therapy can be very helpful in releasing the acute muscle spasm around the twisted thoracic ring and encouraging it back to proper alignment. Taping techniques can assist with temporary stability of the thoracic ring segment while proper alignment and activation of the deep thoracic stabilisers is practiced. Laser treatment can be helpful in settling down inflammation. Often it takes 2 weeks to settle to initial pain and a further 2 weeks to learn and practice strategies to prevent the pain in the future.
If you’ve been experiencing any of the symptoms of rib pain, we can help! Call our friendly team today!
Call: (02) 6674 4142