13 Mar Want to get rid of your headaches/migraine for good?
If you suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, you’ve probably seen your doctor to get help… and most likely received a prescription for pain medication.
While it might make you feel better momentarily, medication won’t actually FIX anything. It’s a band-aid solution – blocking the pain temporarily, enabling you to “get through the day”, but not actually addressing the underlying CAUSE of your pain.
What can be even more concerning is the myriad of drugs prescribed for headaches and migraines. Doctors often prescribe everything from panadol, to antidepressants, to anti-convulsing drugs to address the pain.
This “shotgun” approach tells me that there is a lack of understanding about the underlying cause of chronic headaches…. and certainly no real medical solution.
Unfortunately for you, this means that you’re potentially suffering from the side-effects of whatever medication you’ve been taking AND the underlying cause is left to wreak more havoc – often leading to worsening symptoms over time.
If you REALLY suffer, your headaches and migraines begin to impact your ability to work, sleep, and enjoy your life. In desperation, you may have tried drinking more water, and cutting out wine, chocolate, and coffee. You may have even blamed your hormones, or the moon…
While all of these triggers may exacerbate your symptoms, it is often not the cause. The great news is that once the CAUSE is fixed, these triggers won’t be a problem anymore (yep, chocolate could be your friend again…).
So, what could the cause be?
If your headache tends to “move around” your head, and is not always in the same spot, the cause is most likely your cervical spine. In fact, there is a 90% chance that a stiff neck is the cause!
This is because most headaches are caused by sensitisation of the nerves that normally live happily at the base of your brain – just above the top of your neck. When these nerves become unhappy, the resulting pain often feels like it is coming from your HEAD (even if you don’t have a sore neck!).
If you suffer from headaches and/or migraines, we strongly recommend that you have your neck checked and treated. Often a few short physio treatments can make a big difference – getting you off the headache merry-go-round for good.
We’re also getting great results with our state-of-the-art Laser, which can be used to ‘desensitize’ the unhappy nerves – a treatment which is totally pain-free and great for giving fast relief.
For help with your headaches, give our friendly team a call today.
Call: (02) 6674 4142